Macro Sculpture
Macrosculptures balance science with art and abstraction with realism. These large wall-hanging sculptures present the viewer with colors and structures that are not readily discernible to the human eye. As the viewer's perspective shifts, the barbules conceal or reveal different colors and shapes throughout the work. Hand-illustrated specimen tags are recreated on the back of each work, referencing the source that inspired each piece- its end-of-life history, the collector, and the collection. While the backs of the macrosculptures express human possession of nature, the fronts question familiarity with nature.
Colaptes auratus auratus (Yellow-Shafted Northern Flicker)
Basswood and oils
24" x 24" x 2"
I Exist as I Am
Basswood, bear claw, doll eyes and oils
12" x 20" x 2.5"
Sturnus vulgaris (European Starling)
Basswood, holly and oils
24" x 20" x 4"
Platalea ajaja (Roseate Spoonbill)
Basswood and oils
14" x 14" x 2.5"
Garrulus glandarius (Eurasian Jay)
Basswood and oils
24" x 24" x 2"
The Map Is Not the Territory
Basswood and oils
50" x 25" x 2.5"
Archilochus colubris (Ruby-Throated Hummingbird)
Basswood and oils
14" x 14" x 2.5"
Mareca strepera (Gadwall)
Basswood and oils
24" x 24" x 2"
Ara ararauna (Blue-and-Yellow Macaw)
Basswood and oils
24" x 24" x 2"
Love Leads the Way
Basswood, holly, brass, onyx jewelry beads, and oils
36" x 10" x 4"
Conuropsis carolinensis (Carolina Parakeet)
Basswood and oils
24" x 24" x 2"
"Hope" Is The Thing With Feathers
Basswood, dogwood, electrical wire, roof flashing and oils
18" x 45" x 6”
Numida meleagris (Helmeted Guineafowl)
Basswood and oils
24" x 24" x 2"
Phasianus colchicus (Ring-Necked Pheasant)
Basswood and oils
36" x 36" x 3"
Cyanocitta cristata (Blue Jay)
Basswood and oils
24" x 24" x 2"
Ramphastos sulfuratus (Keel-Billed Toucan)
Basswood and oils
18" x 18" x 2.5"
Pavo cristatus (Peacock)
Basswood and oils
14" x 14" x 2"
Zenaida macroura (Mourning Dove)
Basswood and oils
14" x 14" x 2"
Brown Pelican 22-1039
24" x 24" x 2"
Basswood, oils, roofing tar, beach sand and shells
Conuropsis carolinensis (Carolina Parakeet)
Basswood and oils
14" x 14" x 2"
Danaus plexippus (Monarch Butterfly)
Wood, military tent canvas, acrylic and oils
12" x 12" x 1.5"
Papilio glaucus (Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly)
Wood, military tent canvas, acrylic and oils
12" x 12" x 1.5"
The Undiscovereds
Wood, chrome and oils
14" x 46" x 2"
Caligo eurilochus (Owl Butterfly)
Wood, military tent canvas, acrylic and oils
20" x 22" x 1.5"